Wednesday 7 April 2010

Film Review

For my Film review I looked at various film reviews in empire magazine,

what should be in my film review:
- two page film review (review left, photo right)
- large A4 size photo of frame from film.
- caption in top right hand corner of photo (funny/witty/fact)
- Look Closer box - with facts about the film (bottom right of photo)
- Verdict - short summery or verdict of film with star rating (bottom of review)
-The film title must be at the top of the page in large writing
- Sub heading (just under heading)
- Text box: - Release date, Certificate, Directors name, Cast, Running time, Plot.
- Large quote from film at the bottom of review - next to verdict.

Points to think about within film review:
- Focuses on the selling points of the film throughout the review i.e Director
- Uses dry humour
- Adult Audience - Swearing
- some empire reviews put the quote in the middle of review (this doesn't look right)

Think about the colour of text and background - empire uses white background with black text, larger text in oranges or reds.

After considering all of the above I made plans for the layout of my review.

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