Tuesday 30 March 2010

Film poster

I have made plans for my film poster. My initial plan was to have the girl and boy hugging with the girl in front with them looking straight at the camera and then i would have clouds in the background but the feed back i got from that was negative. I had the idea of having a tear of blood on the girls cheek which i think could work really well but could make the film look like a horror film which i don't want. I think that the background will be dark with the boy behind the girl looking down with his arm around the girl who is looking at the camera. I am still undecided as to whether i will put a tear in.

Yesterday I took photos for my film poster. I took quite a few with slightly different posses so that I can decide later which one will be the best for the poster. One was taken with him behind looking down, one with them both looking at the camera, one with them both looking down and one of just her.

These five photos are all unedited apart from blemishes, I will choose one to use as my poster for my film. I will edit these photos to look like a film poster.

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