Monday 19 April 2010

Film review for 5 minute film

I started to write my film review based on a sheet on the basics of how to write a film review given to me by my media teacher.

I focused on this structure:

1. Title - Catchy
2. Paragraph 1 - Start to summarise film
3. Paragraph 2 - continue summary of film
4. Paragraph 3 and 4 - Positive things you thought of the film
5. Paragraph 5 and 6 - Negative things you thought about the film.
6. Paragraph 7 and 8 - Characterisation
7. paragraph 9 - Final comments.

I scaled down my review because I only had a page to write my review on and I wanted to focus mostly on my presentation of the page, I ended up with 8 paragraphs instead of 9.

1. Title - Film Title
2. Sub heading - catchy (instead of having a catchy title)
3. Text box - containing - Release date, certificate, director, cast, running time.
4. Paragraph 1 - The Plot of the film
5. Paragraph 2 - Summary of the film
6. Paragraph 3 and 4 - good points of the film
7. Paragraph 5 and 6 - bad points of the film
8. Paragraph 7 - short sum up of good and bad
9. A quote from the film (large font)
10. Paragraph 8 - the verdict and star rating

I decided to lay my review out similarly to the way empire magazine does it because theirs look very professional.

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