Thursday 29 April 2010

Monday 19 April 2010

Film review for 5 minute film

I started to write my film review based on a sheet on the basics of how to write a film review given to me by my media teacher.

I focused on this structure:

1. Title - Catchy
2. Paragraph 1 - Start to summarise film
3. Paragraph 2 - continue summary of film
4. Paragraph 3 and 4 - Positive things you thought of the film
5. Paragraph 5 and 6 - Negative things you thought about the film.
6. Paragraph 7 and 8 - Characterisation
7. paragraph 9 - Final comments.

I scaled down my review because I only had a page to write my review on and I wanted to focus mostly on my presentation of the page, I ended up with 8 paragraphs instead of 9.

1. Title - Film Title
2. Sub heading - catchy (instead of having a catchy title)
3. Text box - containing - Release date, certificate, director, cast, running time.
4. Paragraph 1 - The Plot of the film
5. Paragraph 2 - Summary of the film
6. Paragraph 3 and 4 - good points of the film
7. Paragraph 5 and 6 - bad points of the film
8. Paragraph 7 - short sum up of good and bad
9. A quote from the film (large font)
10. Paragraph 8 - the verdict and star rating

I decided to lay my review out similarly to the way empire magazine does it because theirs look very professional.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

film poster - chosen photo

This is the photo I am going to use to create my film poster. In adobe photoshop I will change the photo and add Text.

I plan to make this photo back and white, I will also darken the photo so that it looks more professional and more like a poster, I will make the boy in the photo blurred in the background so that the girl is the main focus, I will also blur down from below the girls chin so that when I add the text it is seen better. I will also add a tear on the girls cheek which will be red.

The text will be simple, the names of the two actors will be above their heads in white text (Arial), I will then put the directors name in the middle on the girls chest in black and white text. The title of the film will be red text at the bottom of the poster in the middle.

Film Review

For my Film review I looked at various film reviews in empire magazine,

what should be in my film review:
- two page film review (review left, photo right)
- large A4 size photo of frame from film.
- caption in top right hand corner of photo (funny/witty/fact)
- Look Closer box - with facts about the film (bottom right of photo)
- Verdict - short summery or verdict of film with star rating (bottom of review)
-The film title must be at the top of the page in large writing
- Sub heading (just under heading)
- Text box: - Release date, Certificate, Directors name, Cast, Running time, Plot.
- Large quote from film at the bottom of review - next to verdict.

Points to think about within film review:
- Focuses on the selling points of the film throughout the review i.e Director
- Uses dry humour
- Adult Audience - Swearing
- some empire reviews put the quote in the middle of review (this doesn't look right)

Think about the colour of text and background - empire uses white background with black text, larger text in oranges or reds.

After considering all of the above I made plans for the layout of my review.