Friday 13 November 2009


I have been planning my Five minute film for media studies now since the beginning of september and now it is all completed.

I have finished all my research which is all located on my website
The planning is also located there and all the other work like the research.

My storyboard is 43 slides long and my script is five pages long and they are both complete.

I have my actors ready, one girl and one boy. I just have to plan the days when they are both avalable.
Hopefully tuesdays or fridays or anytime over the weekend. (maybe even thursdays)

I have also finished most of my technical planning.
I have all my props ready such as the special FX blood which is made from red food colouring, corn flour and water.

I do need to sort out lighting! I need large torches, could use car headlights if shooting outside.

I have my own camera which should make shooting easily due to not needing to request a camera from my media teacher.

I need to remember to book time off on friday 20th November as long as i can get my actors together on this day.

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