Thursday 26 November 2009

Fourth shoot

On Tuesday 24th I shot both shower scenes for my film.
I had my actress fully clothed in the shower and for a few bits we had the shower door closed but the door started to steam up so I had to shoot with the door open most of the time.
I managed to shoot most of it without any trouble but once I got to film the bits with the blood I realised that it wasn’t going to work how I wanted it to. The girl has blood on her hands when she looks down but I wanted the shower on as the blood is on her hands but the blood washes away much too quickly with the water so I decided that the shower would have to be turned off to do that bit. So I thought that the shower should go off on its own, she should look up confused and then look down at her hands with the blood on. I also shot a bit where the blood trails down the plug hole but I’m not such if that’s going to edit in properly because it might look out of sink.

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