Tuesday 17 November 2009

First shoot

I only used one actor today which was the girl. We shot two scenes in about an hour and a bit. We first went to the park and shot the scene where the girl is swinging on the swing. I set up the tripod and camera so they were in front of the girl first, I filmed her for a few seconds or so just looking sad, shuffling her feet and I then moved the camera and tripod behind her and filmed her from the back swinging a little.

We then walked to my house and filmed the scene where the girl is sitting on her bed. I filmed her from the side using the tripod again and I also used my torch, shining it at her face but I covered the light with a white t-shirt so that the light wasn't too bright. I filmed her looking down and then looking her feet while she shuffled her feet and then I filmed her looking up at the clock. I then did a close up of the clock at if the camera was her eyes looking up at it.

I looked over my tapes to see what it all looked like and found that the tape was damaged so it didn't play back properly, therefore I will have to re-shoot it all again.

Next time I film a shot I will have to check that it has taped correctly. I am also going to use a new tape because that one had been filmed on before.

Friday I will try and shoot a scene without any actors due to the fact that they are not available on a Friday.
On Thursday if my girl actor is available then I will re-shoot the scenes I tryed to shoot today.

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