Tuesday 15 December 2009

Uploading the rest of my filming

On the 11th of December I uploaded the rest of what I had shot. I looked over all the footage and I think that it was all okay. I don't think that I will have to refilm the cars scene that i thought i was going to have to but i think that i will still need to re-shoot the tea scene. I edited a little of the film and what i have done is really good.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

fith and sixth shoots

On the 3rd of December I re-shot the bedroom scene and shot the two scenes where the girl is drawing. The bedroom scene went really well because I have already shot that scene twice before.
The drawing scene also went well although it wasn't raining so i had to use the hose on the window to make it look like it was raining this worked well but when I had to shoot outside looking in i had to get my dad to hold the hose so that i could film.
I also shot the cars travelling scene in the evening this was okay but it was hard to keep the camera steady and there wasn't really that much traffic about so i'm not sure that it gave the right effect. I might have to re-shoot due both those problems.

On the 4th of december I shot all three street scenes and the final scene plus the flash forwards.
On the day of this shoot it was not raining and I wanted it to be so that I could zoom out from a puddle and see the girl walking through the rain but i couldn't make the weather do what i want so I just decided to shoot without the rain and not zoom out from anything. We had to take many shots of these three scenes because I needed the actors to be exactly where i wanted. In the end i think i got it.
We then filmed in my kitchen that last scene. It took me a while to set up this shot because I had to get the blood on the floor to look right and stay where it was. I also had a problem with one of my actors because she kept giggling when she was meant to be dead.
I then shot the rest of the flash forwards which was just a close shot of the blood and the man on the floor dead.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Uploading first lot of filming

On the 27th of November I uploaded the first lot of filming.
Most of what I had filmed was good but the bedroom scene was really dark so i am going to re-film that scene. Also in the shots for the tea scene the light is changing due to the sunlight so i will have to re-film that so that the shots are insink with eachother.

I did a bit of editing on this day aswell and i think this went really well i got some of the the scenes linked together and i hope they will fit in with the rest of my filming.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Fourth shoot

On Tuesday 24th I shot both shower scenes for my film.
I had my actress fully clothed in the shower and for a few bits we had the shower door closed but the door started to steam up so I had to shoot with the door open most of the time.
I managed to shoot most of it without any trouble but once I got to film the bits with the blood I realised that it wasn’t going to work how I wanted it to. The girl has blood on her hands when she looks down but I wanted the shower on as the blood is on her hands but the blood washes away much too quickly with the water so I decided that the shower would have to be turned off to do that bit. So I thought that the shower should go off on its own, she should look up confused and then look down at her hands with the blood on. I also shot a bit where the blood trails down the plug hole but I’m not such if that’s going to edit in properly because it might look out of sink.

Friday 20 November 2009

Third shoot

The third shoot i did today and it went really well. I just did the tea scene where i didn't need my actors.

This was the shot where the blood falls into the tea. I shot one bit where i changed it so it went into slow motion and i think it will look really good.

Second shoot

Yesterday I shot my second shoot for my film and it went a lot better than the first shoot. The film recorded really well. I shot the park scene and bedroom scene and i also film all the speech for the film too.

The park scene what really well i just shot the same as i said about below. With the bedroom scene i did the same sort of thing but i also did a master shot which i forgot to do the first time.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

First shoot

I only used one actor today which was the girl. We shot two scenes in about an hour and a bit. We first went to the park and shot the scene where the girl is swinging on the swing. I set up the tripod and camera so they were in front of the girl first, I filmed her for a few seconds or so just looking sad, shuffling her feet and I then moved the camera and tripod behind her and filmed her from the back swinging a little.

We then walked to my house and filmed the scene where the girl is sitting on her bed. I filmed her from the side using the tripod again and I also used my torch, shining it at her face but I covered the light with a white t-shirt so that the light wasn't too bright. I filmed her looking down and then looking her feet while she shuffled her feet and then I filmed her looking up at the clock. I then did a close up of the clock at if the camera was her eyes looking up at it.

I looked over my tapes to see what it all looked like and found that the tape was damaged so it didn't play back properly, therefore I will have to re-shoot it all again.

Next time I film a shot I will have to check that it has taped correctly. I am also going to use a new tape because that one had been filmed on before.

Friday I will try and shoot a scene without any actors due to the fact that they are not available on a Friday.
On Thursday if my girl actor is available then I will re-shoot the scenes I tryed to shoot today.

Friday 13 November 2009


On the official bbfc website i looked up the certificate guidlines.
For violence section of 12/12A and 15 they talk about the blood content:

12 + 12A
Moderate violence is allowed but should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if justified by the context.
Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated, and must have a strong contextual justification.

Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable.
There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.

Due to the fact that 12/12A has no emphasis of injuries or blood, i do not think that my film can be a 12 or 12A because my film will have a lot of blood hopefully to a realist standard.

I now think that my film is more likely to be a 15 beause there will be too much blood for a 12/12A but i dont think there will be to much to be a 15

Film Certificate Age

For my Five Minute Film i need to decide on a Film Certificate Age.

There isn's going to be any swearing or violence in my film and there will be no sex scene but there will be quite a lot of 'blood' and the suggestion of death therefore i think it should be a 12 or a 15.

I'm leaning more towards 12 due to the fact that there is only blood and nothing else.

Once my film is made depending on how realist it looks i will then rethink the certificate age.


This is my collage for my film, it is also on my jimdo website listed in my last blog.
My Five minute film will be based on love and tragedy therefore i tryed to portray this in my collage.
I used an image from the recent Romeo and Juliet which was based on shakespeares original. This story is the perfect example of love and tragedy, due to the fact that their love is forbidden but also because of the amount of deaths.
I used the sketches because they depict what my film features and girl thats lost and then her losing her love (or thinking she is going to lose her love).
The blood demonstrates the tragedy, but my film does also feature alot of blood.


I have been planning my Five minute film for media studies now since the beginning of september and now it is all completed.

I have finished all my research which is all located on my website
The planning is also located there and all the other work like the research.

My storyboard is 43 slides long and my script is five pages long and they are both complete.

I have my actors ready, one girl and one boy. I just have to plan the days when they are both avalable.
Hopefully tuesdays or fridays or anytime over the weekend. (maybe even thursdays)

I have also finished most of my technical planning.
I have all my props ready such as the special FX blood which is made from red food colouring, corn flour and water.

I do need to sort out lighting! I need large torches, could use car headlights if shooting outside.

I have my own camera which should make shooting easily due to not needing to request a camera from my media teacher.

I need to remember to book time off on friday 20th November as long as i can get my actors together on this day.