Monday 3 May 2010

Evaluation of my Film Poster and Film Review

My Poster reflects my main product well, I think that the genre of my film is definitely portrayed in my film poster as the boy is stood behind the girl showing the love element and the tragedy is presented via the blood tear on the girls face. The black and white photograph presents the depression and lack of colour in the girl’s life and the red, of the blood presents the focus of the tragic twist to the ending of the film and also reflects elements of things that happen in the film. I used Adobe Photoshop and a software called Picasa 3 to create my film poster which allowed me to enhance and change the photograph that I took using my digital camera.

I think that the layout of my film review looks like a professional review from empire. I wrote the review to fit all the writing on one page because I think this looks neatest, if it wouldn’t have compromised the layout of my review I would have written more on characterisations. The frame I have used from the film seems to reflect the depression and misery of the girl through the film, the photo is a little dark so I should have used a clearer frame from the film. I think that my review describes the film well, clearly laying out the good and bad points. Overall the combination of the ancillary texts and my film, works well, they compliment each other because of the linking aspects within each.

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