Tuesday 15 December 2009

Uploading the rest of my filming

On the 11th of December I uploaded the rest of what I had shot. I looked over all the footage and I think that it was all okay. I don't think that I will have to refilm the cars scene that i thought i was going to have to but i think that i will still need to re-shoot the tea scene. I edited a little of the film and what i have done is really good.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

fith and sixth shoots

On the 3rd of December I re-shot the bedroom scene and shot the two scenes where the girl is drawing. The bedroom scene went really well because I have already shot that scene twice before.
The drawing scene also went well although it wasn't raining so i had to use the hose on the window to make it look like it was raining this worked well but when I had to shoot outside looking in i had to get my dad to hold the hose so that i could film.
I also shot the cars travelling scene in the evening this was okay but it was hard to keep the camera steady and there wasn't really that much traffic about so i'm not sure that it gave the right effect. I might have to re-shoot due both those problems.

On the 4th of december I shot all three street scenes and the final scene plus the flash forwards.
On the day of this shoot it was not raining and I wanted it to be so that I could zoom out from a puddle and see the girl walking through the rain but i couldn't make the weather do what i want so I just decided to shoot without the rain and not zoom out from anything. We had to take many shots of these three scenes because I needed the actors to be exactly where i wanted. In the end i think i got it.
We then filmed in my kitchen that last scene. It took me a while to set up this shot because I had to get the blood on the floor to look right and stay where it was. I also had a problem with one of my actors because she kept giggling when she was meant to be dead.
I then shot the rest of the flash forwards which was just a close shot of the blood and the man on the floor dead.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Uploading first lot of filming

On the 27th of November I uploaded the first lot of filming.
Most of what I had filmed was good but the bedroom scene was really dark so i am going to re-film that scene. Also in the shots for the tea scene the light is changing due to the sunlight so i will have to re-film that so that the shots are insink with eachother.

I did a bit of editing on this day aswell and i think this went really well i got some of the the scenes linked together and i hope they will fit in with the rest of my filming.